Beyond painting & sculpture : works bought for the Arts Council by Richard Cork : Keith Arnatt, Victor Burgin, David Dye, Hamish Fulton, Gilbert and George, John Hilliard, Daved Lamelas, Gerald Newman, John Stezaker
データ種別 | 展覧会カタログ |
出版情報 | [London] : Arts Council of Great Britain , c1973 |
大きさ | 46 p. : ill. ; 21 cm |
所在 | 巻 次 | 目 次 | 請求記号 | 資料ID | 状 態 | 刷 年 | コメント | 請求票 |
閉架E |
CG||144||002694 | 144002694 |
本文言語 | 英語 |
一般注記 | Exhibition catalogue Catalog of the touring exhibition toured [Leeds City Art Gallery, Leeds; traveled to Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, and Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol] (オンライン), 入手先<http://www.saatchigallery.com/artists/john_stezaker.htm>, (参照2017-10-2...続きを読む |
著者標目 | Cork, Richard Arnatt, Keith Burgin, Victor Dye, Daid Fulton, Hamish Gilbert and George Hilliard, John Lamelas, David Newman, Gerald Stezaker, John |
件 名 | FREE:展覧会カタログ LCSH:Conceptual art -- Great Britain -- Exhibitions 全ての件名で検索 LCSH:Arts, British -- 20th century -- Exhibitions 全ての件名で検索 FREE:Arts Council of Great Britain |
分 類 | LCC:NX543 DC:709/.42 |
書誌ID | LB00229186 |
NCID | BB2469586X |