アナタ ノ ショウゾウ : クドウ テツミ カイコテン
あなたの肖像 : 工藤哲巳回顧展 / 島敦彦 [ほか] 編集
書誌ID |
LB00196999 |
巻次/年月次/資料ID |
/ / 140001337
工藤哲巳入門 はじめに (A Guide to Tetsumi Kudo Introduction) / 島,敦彦[著] / [Translated by]Stephens,Christopher --- p.32-33
工藤哲巳入門(1) 「インポ哲学」とパリとの交差 (A Guide to Tetsumi Kudo Part(1) Philosophy of Impotence and Paris Intersections) / 島,敦彦[著] / [Translated by]Stephens,Christopher --- p.34-39
工藤哲巳入門(2) 生い立ち、そして反教育へ (A Guide to Tetsumi Kudo Part(2) Personal History and Anti-education) / 島,敦彦[著] / [Translated by]Stephens,Christopher --- p.44-47
工藤哲巳入門(3) 木の根からの出発 (A Guide to Tetsumi Kudo Part(3) Starting Out with the Roots of a Tree) / 島,敦彦[著] / [Translated by]Stephens,Christopher --- p.50-53
工藤哲巳入門(4) 絵画に背を向けて : 戦略的自覚の芽生え (A Guide to Tetsumi Kudo Part(4) Kudo Turns His Back on Painting: A Strategy in the Making) / 島,敦彦[著] / [Translated by]Stephens,Christopher --- p.57-60
工藤哲巳入門(5) 「インポ哲学」の誕生 (A Guide to Tetsumi Kudo Part(5) Birth of the Philosophy of Impotence) / 島,敦彦[著] / [Translated by]Stephens,Christopher --- p.72-78
工藤哲巳入門(6) 「インポ哲学」を引っ提げ、いざパリへ (A Guide to Tetsumi Kudo Part(6) Kudo Packs Up His Philosophy of Impotence and Heads for Paris) / 島,敦彦[著] / [Translated by]Stephens,Christopher --- p.90-95
工藤哲巳入門(7) 勇名を轟かせた「ハプニング男」の60年代 (A Guide to Tetsumi Kudo Part(7) Kudo Becomes Renown for His Bravery as the ''Happening Man'' of the 1960s) / 島,敦彦[著] / [Translated by]Stephens,Christopher --- p.100-104
工藤哲巳入門(8) 箱の中の「あなたの肖像」 (A Guide to Tetsumi Kudo Part(8) Your Portrait in a Box) / 島,敦彦[著]/ [Translated by]Stephens,Christopher --- p.106-111
工藤哲巳入門(9) 消滅する肉体 : 変異する人類 (A Guide to Tetsumi Kudo Part(9) Disappearing Flesh and the Mutating Human Race) / 島,敦彦[著] / [Translated by]Stephens,Christopher --- p.[125]-128
工藤哲巳入門(10) 「脱皮」の記念品、郷愁病用、あなたの居間に (A Guide to Tetsumi Kudo Part(10) Souvenir of Molt, For Nostalgic Purpose, For Your Living Room) / 島,敦彦[著] / [Translated by]Stephens,Christopher --- p.138-141
工藤哲巳入門(11) 「放射能による養殖」、そして8年ぶりの帰国 (A Guide to Tetsumi Kudo Part(11) Cultivation by Radioactivity and Kudo's First Return to Japan in Eight Years) / 島,敦彦[著] / [Translated by]Stephens,Christopher --- p.173-176
工藤哲巳入門(12) <<脱皮の記念碑>>と最後のハプニング (A Guide to Tetsumi Kudo Part(12) Monument of Metamorphosis and Kudo's Last Happening) / 島,敦彦[著] / [Translated by]Stephens,Christopher --- p.188-194
工藤哲巳入門(13) デュッセルドルフで初の回顧展 (A Guide to Tetsumi Kudo Part(13) First Retrospective in Dusseldorf) / 島,敦彦[著] / [Translated by]Stephens,Christopher --- p.204-207
工藤哲巳入門(14) イヨネスコの肖像 (A Guide to Tetsumi Kudo Part(14) Portraits of Ionesco) / 島,敦彦[著] / [Translated by]Stephens,Christopher --- p.218-221
工藤哲巳入門(15) 環境汚染 : 養殖 : 新しいエコロジー (A Guide to Tetsumi Kudo Part(15) Pollution : Cultivation : New Ecology) / 島,敦彦[著] / [Translated by]Stephens,Christopher --- p.236-239
工藤哲巳入門(16) 危機の中の芸術家の肖像 (A Guide to Tetsumi Kudo Part(16) Portrait of the Artist in Crisis) / 島,敦彦[著] / [Translated by]Stephens,Christopher --- p.282-286
工藤哲巳入門(17) 遺伝染色体の雨の中で・・・ (A Guide to Tetsumi Kudo Part(17) In the Rain of Heredity-Chromosome...) / 島,敦彦[著] / [Translated by]Stephens,Christopher --- p.306-309
工藤哲巳入門(18) 「最大級の脱皮」 : 鳥籠から解き放たれて (A Guide to Tetsumi Kudo Part(18) ''The Ultimate Molting'': Freed from the Birdcage) / 島,敦彦[著] / [Translated by]Stephens,Christopher --- p.338-341
工藤哲巳入門(19) 「天皇制の構造」 (A Guide to Tetsumi Kudo Part(19) The Structure of the Emperor System) / 島,敦彦[著] / [Translated by]Stephens,Christopher --- p.366-369
工藤哲巳入門(20) 「殺せば生きる」から「前衛芸術家の魂」へ (A Guide to Tetsumi Kudo Part(20) From To Kill Is to Let Live to Souls of Avant-Garde Artists) / 島,敦彦[著] / [Translated by]Stephens,Christopher --- p.382-385
おわりに なぜ今、工藤哲巳なのか? (Conclusion: Tetsumi Kudo-Why Now?) / 島,敦彦[著] / [Translated by]Stephens,Christopher --- p.402-406
工藤哲巳の宇宙論(コスモロジー) / 中井,康之[著] --- p.410-415
The Cosmology of Tetsumi Kudo / [Text by]Nakai,yasuyuki / [Translated by]hanare×Social Kitchen Translation --- p.416-420
工藤哲巳の政治性 / 福元,崇志[著] --- p.422-426
The Politics in Tetsumi Kudo / [Text by]Fukumoto,Takashi / [Translated by]Maerkle,Andrew --- p.427-430
箱があなたに贈られるとき : 工藤哲巳の展開を探る。1962年、パリ / 桝田,倫広[著] --- p.432-438
When the Box Is Presented to You: Tracing the Development of Tetsumi Kudo in Paris, 1962 / [Text by]Masuda,Tomohiro / [Translated by]Anderson,Stanley N. --- p.439-445
工藤哲巳、芸術としての力への意志 / 飯田,高誉[著] --- p.448-450
Tetsumi Kudo: The Will To Power as Art / [Text by]Iida,Takayo / [Translated by]Fontaine Limited, Kyoto --- p.451-453
工藤哲巳と津軽 / 池田,亨[著] --- p.454-457
Tetsumi Kudo and Tsugaru / [Text by]Ikeda,Toru / [Translated by]Fontaine Limited, Kyoto --- p.458-460
[工藤哲巳回顧展]出品作品一覧 ([A Tetsumi Kudo retrospective]List of Works for the Exhibition) --- p.462-475
[工藤哲巳]略年譜 ([Tetsumi Kudo]Biography) --- p.478-487
[工藤哲巳]展覧会歴 ([Tetsumi Kudo]Exhibitions) --- p.488-526
[工藤哲巳]文献 ([Tetsumi Kudo]Bibliography) --- p.528-549
工藤哲巳作品総目録 1955-1988 (A Catalogue of Works by Tetsumi Kudo, 1955-1988) --- p.[573]-621