Endless : ヤマダ マサアキ ノ カイガ
Endless : 山田正亮の絵画 / 中林和雄, 桝田倫広, 名塚雅絵編集
書誌ID |
LB00215844 |
巻次/年月次/資料ID |
/ / 140001661
山田正亮と絵画 / 中林,和雄[著] --- p.34-47
Yamada Masaaki and Painting / [Text by]Nakabayashi,Kazuo / [Translated by]Stephens,Christopher --- p.48-59
絵画の生と死 : 山田正亮の弁証法 / 沢山,遼[著] --- p.258-264
The Life and Death of Painting : The Dialectics of Yamada Masaaki / [Text by]Sawayama,Ryo / [Translated by]Pamela Miki Associates --- p.265-271
山田正亮 : 作品の絵肌と組成 / 斎藤,敦[著] --- p.272-277
Yamada Masaaki : The Surface Texture and Constitution of His Works / [Text by]Saito,Atsushi / [Translated by]Ogawa,Kikuko --- p.278-281
言葉はただ、歪むしかない。 : 山田正亮と言語について / 田野倉,康一[著] --- p.282-287
Words Can Only Be Contorted : On Yamada Masaaki and Language / [Text by]Tanokura,Koichi / [Translated by]Ogawa,Kikuko --- p.288-293
According to What / 松浦,寿夫[著] --- p.294-297
According to What / [Text by]Matsuura,Hisao / [Translated by]Pamela Miki Associates --- p.298-301
「Work」とその周辺 / 山田,正亮[著] --- p.304-306
Yamada Masaaki : Artist's Viewpoint Works and Their Vicinity / [Text by]Yamada,Masaaki / [Translated by]Stephens,Christopher --- p.307-309
編集されざるもの : 年譜にかえて / 中林,和雄[著] --- p.310-312
Unedited Things : In Place of a Chronology / [Text by]Nakabayashi,Kazuo / [Translated by]Pamela Miki Associates --- p.313-315
展覧会歴 (Exhibitions) / 神山,亮子[編] --- p.316-319
参考文献 (Bibliography) / 神山,亮子[編] --- p.320-325
作品リスト (List of Works) --- p.326-333