ビジュツ フォーラム 21
美術フォーラム21 = Bijutsu forum 21
書誌ID |
LB00220682 |
巻次/年月次/資料ID |
22号 / 2010年11月 /
特集: 仏像彫刻の霊験性と彫刻史 (SPECIAL ISSUE: Miraculous Efficacy in Sculpted Buddhist Images and the History of Sculpture)
<資料紹介>パラミタミュージアム蔵《十一面観音立像》 (INTRODUCTION TO MATERIALS FOR STUDY: A Standing Image of an Eleven-headed Kannon (Paramita museum)) / 伊東,史朗 --- p.4-5
<資料紹介>田中本家博物館蔵《花鳥図屏風》について (INTRODUCTION TO MATERIALS FOR STUDY: On a Bird-and-Flower Screen in the Tanaka Honke Museum) / 並木,誠士 --- p.6-13
<現代作家紹介>原口典之 : 物質と非物質 (INTRODUCTION TO CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS: Noriyuki HARAGUCHI : the Material and the Nonmaterial) / 松本,透 --- p.14-19
<現代作家紹介>綿引展子 : 現われの空間 (INTRODUCTION TO CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS: Nobuko WATABIKI : "The Space of Appearance) / 越前,俊也 --- p.20-26
特集: 仏像彫刻の霊験性と彫刻史 (SPECIAL ISSUE: Miraculous Efficacy in Sculpted Buddhist Images and the History of Sculpture) / 根立,研介[編集] --- p.28-29
霊験と観音像 (<特集>仏像彫刻の霊験性と彫刻史) (Miraculous efficacy and images of Kannon (<Special issue>Miraculous Efficacy in Sculpted Buddhist Images and the History of Sculpture)) / 長岡,龍作 --- p.30-36
統御される霊験 (<特集>仏像彫刻の霊験性と彫刻史) (Controlling miraculous efficacy (<Special issue>Miraculous Efficacy in Sculpted Buddhist Images and the History of Sculpture)) / 奥,健夫 --- p.37-40
中国の霊験像の性格と造形 (<特集>仏像彫刻の霊験性と彫刻史) (Controlling miraculous efficacy (<Special issue>Miraculous Efficacy in Sculpted Buddhist Images and the History of Sculpture)) / 肥田,路美 --- p.41-45
霊現仏と納入仏を通した聖性の移植をめぐって (<特集>仏像彫刻の霊験性と彫刻史) (Transmission of the sanctity of miraculous Buddhas and miniature Buddhas deposited within the sculptures (<Special issue>Miraculous Efficacy in Sculpted Buddhist Images and the History of Sculpture)) / 根立,研介 --- p.46-50
像内納入品がうむ奇瑞 (<特集>仏像彫刻の霊験性と彫刻史) (Auspicious outcomes effected by objects deposited within Buddhist images (<Special issue>Miraculous Efficacy in Sculpted Buddhist Images and the History of Sculpture)) / 佐々木,守俊 --- p.51-55
善光寺仏の造像と霊験性 (<特集>仏像彫刻の霊験性と彫刻史) (Creation of the Zenkoji Buddha and miraculous efficacy (<Special issue>Miraculous Efficacy in Sculpted Buddhist Images and the History of Sculpture)) / 武笠,朗 --- p.56-60
西大寺叡尊による清涼寺式釈迦如来の模像制作 (<特集>仏像彫刻の霊験性と彫刻史) (The replica of Shaka Nyorai in the Seiryoji-style planned commissioned by Eizon of Saidaiji (<Special issue>Miraculous Efficacy in Sculpted Buddhist Images and the History of Sculpture)) / 松岡,久美子 --- p.61-66
『因幡堂縁起』諸本での薬師如来像の語られ方 : 像容の変化と縁起 (<特集>仏像彫刻の霊験性と彫刻史) (The statue of YakushiNyorai as it appears in various versions of the Inabado Engi: the engi and transformation in sculptural form (<Special issue>Miraculous Efficacy in Sculpted Buddhist Images and the History of Sculpture)) / 石田,敏紀 --- p.67-70
良源像のイメージと姿について (<特集>仏像彫刻の霊験性と彫刻史) (Image and form in the portrait status of priest Ryogen Special issue Miraculous Efficacy in Sculpted Buddhist Images and the History of Sculpture) / 寺島,典人 --- p.71-77
<古[カン]研究(3)>画僧明譽古[カン](1653~1717)の研究課題 (<Research on Kokan (3)>Topics for Research on the monk-painter Meiyo Kokan (1653-1717)) / ヒックマン,マニー/ 原田,平作[翻訳] --- p.78-87
<座談会>三都と美術 : 視覚文化論の視点から / 鈴木,廣之 / 中谷,伸生 / 並木,誠士 [他] --- p.88-111
執筆者紹介 --- p.112-113
表紙解説<表>狩野元信筆《釈迦堂縁起絵巻》第三巻 / 松本,直子 --- p.114
表紙解説<裏>《二十四孝図屏風》 / 並木,誠士 --- p.115
英文要約 / モーランド,キャロル[翻訳] --- p.117-119