Chapter1. Prologue: In Pursuit of Vigor to Live through Turbulent Times (From the End of the Tokugawa Regime to the Meiji Era, 1850s-1890s) / [Written by]Nakamura,Reiko --- p.[50]
2章 花開く個性とうずまく欲望のあらわれ(明治〜大正) / 中村,麗子[著] --- p.[69]
Chapter2. Blossoming of Individuality and Manifestation of Whirling Desires (From the Meiji to Taisho Eras, 1868-1926) / [Written by]Nakamura,Reiko --- p.[68]
2章-1 愛そして苦悩--心の内をうたう / 中村,麗子[著] --- p.[70]
2-1. Love and Agony--Revealing One's Inner Feelings / [Written by]Nakamura,Reiko --- p.[70]
2章-2 神話への憧れ / 中村,麗子[著] --- p.[86]
2-2. Yearning for Mythology / [Written by]Nakamura,Reiko --- p.[86]
2章-3 異界との境で / 中村,麗子[著] --- p.[94]
2-3. On the Threshold between the Netherworld / [Written by]Nakamura,Reiko --- p.[94]
Chapter3. Epilogue: Despite Changes in the Society, the People's Minds Remain Unaltered (From the Late Taisho to Early Showa Eras, 1920s-1930s) / [Written by]Nakamura,Reiko --- p.[188]